This website is fugly

This website is in research phase. I have no designs yet. This whole animation will be re-written at some point.


I want to create a website that is a 3D interactive experience. A combination of WebGL Graphics and HTML elements.

There is no content here

In the mean time I invite you to check outThe Blobs PageWhere you can play with sliceable SVG blobs.


Slide across the blobby shape with your pointer to see magic!

About the blobs

I'm playing around with manipulating vector graphics as a React.js Component.

The concept here is to create interactive shapes that can split and merge back together. merging is not functional yet*

In short, I saw a coding video on perfect noise loops and decided to implement it myself for fun.

It started as a pre-generated SVG Polygon with an animate element. At that point it made sense to implement it as a React Component. But as I wanted to make it more "interactive", the complexity grew exponentially.


Creating animated SVG's as React Components is definietely not the best approach but it is definietely a fun exercise!

No Killer, All Filler

Just to make the page scrollable, enjoy a photo of my '95 corolla.